If you are a student or scholar planning on traveling to pursue your education outside your home country, health insurance is a necessity. Most student visas and learning institutions require visiting foreign students be covered by a comprehensive health insurance policy. You may also find that the coverage from your home country will not follow you while you are studying abroad. Learn more about the various types of visas.
Common features: single (one off) trips from a few days to a few years; can be automatically extended online at time of expiration; no medical underwriting (guarantee issued), limitations on pre-exisiting conditions coverages; limitations on coverage back in home country; an affordable alternative to worldwide major medical annual plans
Commons Uses: typically required of J, F and other student visa designations for non-immigrant visitors to the USA and those traveling abroad to other countries as well; you will use this type of student plan especially if being required by your visiting institution or host government program; programs below meet or exceed most all requirements for J, F and other student visa types
International travelers may be required to purchase health insurance to satisfy visa requirements. To meet that need, we have plans that meet those particular insurance requirements. Additionally, you should recognize that no matter where you travel or relocate, few people can afford to get sick or to have an accident without health insurance. This is why some countries are enforcing and verifying the fact that visitors to their country maintain adequate health insurance. This is why the Consulates and Embassies are asking you to purchase a plan in order to satisfy their Schengen visa requirements.
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